Welcomes you to the world’s most ancient divine knowledge.
You are a spark of divine bliss from God. You deserve success in life, and success comes only through good guidance and effort.
The luck favors them who do their part of duty. Astrology lights up the path of human race by applying the ancient knowledge to the human life. Astrology is a super-science. Where as Science tries to explore the human body, Astrology understands human life, the ups and downs humans face, the reason behind success and failure. It’s a path of light. It gives guidance to you to come out of your problems and achieve prosperity in what ever you undertake. This is possible by remedial measures like wearing gems, offering special prayers to concerned deities and pacifying the planets.
Palmistry is a science which deals with pads and lines of the palm, to determine the destiny. The psychology of a person, the inner qualities, weaknesses, decisions, diseases and future can be accurately estimated by the palm of a person.
We make a comparative analysis of the Astrological as well as Palmistic aspects to arrive at greater accuracy in giving predictions and advice. We also provide remedial measures and suggest special prayers to achieve your goals. This is all according to Vedic knowledge descending from great seers of India.